Arts and Craft

Introducing Arts and Craft

Nancy Magarill and Peter Michael Marino Season 1 Episode 1

A new chat show that dives into the lives of musicians, filmmakers, performers, and artists from all walks of life, revealing the untold stories and hidden secrets that drive their creativity. Hosted by Nancy Magarill and Peter Michael Marino.

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Produced and Edited by Arts and Craft.
Theme Music: Sound Gallery by Dmitry Taras.

The best artists they go to the bottom of the swamp that's where all the best songs are 

one of the big things I learned was how to say sure we can do that 

if we are not in tune internally inside then we can't expect what comes out to be in tune 

my name is Nancy Magarill I'm a singer songwriter composer performer graphic and web designer and I'm Peter Michael Marino and I'm a writer producer Creator performer and educator 

We are new york-based artists you may or may not have heard of and we are here to introduce you to other artists you may or may not have heard of

Each episode we'll talk with a different musician filmmaker painter or other talented artist about the work they do 

We want you to discover and fall in love with artists we love and to get a better understanding of The craft and struggle behind their art 

arts and craft coming to your ears soon

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